Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Show Me The Face And I Will Show You The Rule

            An interesting observation about our way of functioning is our ability to conjure up different rules and interpretations for dealing with cases which would logically demand identical treatment. The official phraseology for this phenomenon is ‘Case-to-Case-Basis’. We are able to easily rationalize the irrational by drawing congruence with celestial insights like ‘Change is the only constant’ drawn from irrefutable sources like the Bhagwad Gita.

            Be it appointments or postings, licenses or charge sheets, nursery admission fees or membership of an organization, human nature manifests this phenomenon regularly in our daily lives. It probably sustains an entire industry as it directly leads to employment of lawyers, judges and their administrative staff. They certainly would not wish it to go away. On the contrary, your lawyer would help you to obtain an existing convenient judgement to support your case for a desired outcome. Of course, time is not a dimension in the legal frame of reference.

            If one follows the adage ‘Change begins with oneself’, there is a real danger of being classified as a romantic fool. It is the classic situation in which one is looking towards others to take the first step and see what happens to them. This is exactly why we have social and political structures empowered to make laws, interpret them and most importantly, implement them. If the implementation is not as expected, we have a right as well as a duty to hold this apparatus accountable and bring about the necessary change.

             Just as a candle maker is not expected to invent electricity, people in their comfort zone are unlikely to correct themselves. The actions of the civil society, however maligned or imperfect, are a direct result of the pent up angst in the society. The only way is to attenuate it is to bring about visible efficiency and objectivity in functioning. Irritating corruption really irritates. And combined irritation of over a billion can spell disaster. One does not mind not having a thing as long as the rule applies to all and there is a sincere attempt to help you get it.

            This thought is not only for those in public service, but for every single citizen regardless of profession or economic standing. The day we think we should go ahead and do it regardless of what others may think, we would have become the agent of the change we all want - and we will have the self respect we crave for.

           How about trying it once?

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